
Friday, March 27, 2009

Signs, Signs Everywhere A Sign

Ok the baby is napping time to post a quick blog.

I was so please yesterday to get another book manuscript in the mail. Yay me!
The manuscript had to be submitted by the end of the month to be considered and I knew I was cutting it short. Regular mail can take 4 to 5 business days. This meant it may make it in on time on the 31st or it could be one day late. I put a lot of work into it and I felt good about this manuscript so I was willing to pay the extra money to send it Xpresspost and make sure it gets there on time. Xpresspost mail gets to its destination in 2 business days (which would be Monday) and you can track it. Cool! I checked the tracking number this morning and my manuscript made it to the destination city. Oh, one other important piece of information about this story is since the book was a collection of silly poetry it was by Auntie Flamingo not my real name.

That afternoon the baby and I went to the mall to meet a friend and her son. I needed to buy some clothes to wear to volley ball next week and I always like to look at the children's clothes. My friend wanted to go into Baby GAP which is a store I don't usually go into though I do like their clothes. For some reason I made a bee-line for this one rack and what do I see for my little girl?

As often as I look I see very few things with flamingos on it. Is it a sign? LOL
I don't know but it was on sale and I just had to have it! Not only did they have this top but they had the cutest little pink skirt with little flamingos on it. I didn't get it though because I am not sure what size she will take when the weather gets warm enough to wear it.

Have you ever had anything happen to you that you took as a sign and it was correct?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Break Was Not A Break For Me :)

This was the first March break I have been off since my son started school. I feared the week of having both a 4 month old and 6 year old alone all day while my husband worked. Keep in mind I am a working mom with a new baby and not use to having both children home all day. So I planned as much as I could for the week to keep my 6 year old busy. My 4 month old got toted around to all the events.

I must say, I had a wonderful time.

We stared the week by having some friends over who we haven't seen in a long time. Two of my girlfriends used to live in my area but due to work and other reason they had to move their families to other cities. My son was thrilled to see his old friends. The kids played and the mothers chatted. At the end of the visit we took a picture of all the kids together.

I made arrangements to visits Mavin Gunderman also know as "The Bug Man" in my area. My son and I got see a number of interesting bugs and insect including a tarantula and hissing cockroaches. I was brave and held a hissing cockroach. My son wouldn't but he did pet it with his finger. Marvin is a wonderful guy and he was very kind to take some time out of his day to let us visit.

A bit of a slow down day. We didn't go anywhere however we kept busy by making piñatas at home. What a fun way to spend an afternoon together.

Thursday we went with grandma to an indoor playground called Chatters. My son loved it because he got to run crazy with other children. I loved it because I got to sit and chat (while supervising my son) with my mom. My son and I also played a game of air hockey there while grandma watched the baby.

This was probably the best day. We went to see the Reptile Man. I've never seen my son sit still and pay attention for such a long period of time. We saw spiders, lizards, turtles and, of course, snakes. I think the highlight was the baby anaconda the man pulled out. At four years old it was huge and still had a lot of growing to do. My son was excited to touch the snake.

I really enjoyed the week with my kids and all the fun things we did. I hope we have just as much fun when he is off of school in the summer. (I may be looking for suggestions of activities to do)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Importance of a SASE?

Well, it's been some time but I finally pulled up my socks and got one of my manuscripts in the mail. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Now comes the waiting game. While I am waiting I need to keep busy by polishing my next manuscript and I would like to get that one into the mail by March 23rd at the latest.

Here's something I've been questioning. If the publisher's submission guidelines does not specifically state to send an SASE with your manuscript do you send one? Is it unprofessional or do you appear as an amature if you do include one? I have one book (from a popular series) that suggests NOT to included the SASE because it shows that you are an amature and if you don't include it then you will be contacted through email. Everything I have read on the Internet about writing strongly suggests to send a SASE.

What are your thoughts on this? (I'll post my thoughts on this later)